No such thing as government efficiency, thanks, Elon, in advance.

5 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

Narrator: Many sought refuge among the lagoons in 726. These refugees elected Orso to be their Duke or Doge, the first in an unbroken line of 117 doges who would rule Venice for 1000 years.

Clay Clark: Unbelievable that Elon Musk has somehow worked his way into a place where he's using his company Tesla to make mRNA technology for CureVac, aka the shots. He wants to put a chip in your head. The FDA has approved him to do so. He's basically ushering in the great reset technology, and somehow he's becoming the doge of the Republican Party. Back to you.

Judy Mikovits, PhD: I think I was right in what I said the first time, because what he's going to do, is he's going to eliminate the FDA because the FDA is the evil one. So he's going to simplify everything because manufactured RNA just killed everybody, and all we need to do is go back to all of the patents before 1992, all of the work before the military-industrial complex stole everything. Because God is the simple thing. So he's actually saying exactly what Ronald Reagan said. He's going to reduce the size of the federal government. And this time, he's really going to do it. He's going to reduce the complexity. They're all going to be gone.
We're going to be one nation under God. We're going to have our land back. And he's the guy that can put it all back to God because he knew how in his brain they attempted to destroy our land, and our God-given minerals, and all the things that we can do without any bureaucracy. So you see, we're not going to have any of these Bs anymore, and we'll have all our money, and we're going to be rich. So thank you, Elon. I'm looking forward to a Doge because there's no such thing as government efficiency. He just said the exact right thing. Let's tear it all down, and then we can actually have a conversation, and you won't have to deal with 800 pages of questions from 18 bureaucracies by Friday. You only have to answer the question. So, we need to thank Elon Musk.

10/09/2024 - Thrivetime Show:

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