Ryan Sword $500 Custom Katana Review

4 months ago

This is a review of a Ryan Sword custom katana. I picked out all the features on their site and communicated with them directly on Facebook for a few details.

This blade was made to scratch the same itch as my Evolution Blades LMC. The LMC is a $2000ish katana that I enjoy using for class and is my choice for larger events. It is light enough to use for hours on end and cuts tatami like a boss. This custom blade from Ryan Sword needed to do the same things (or that was the goal anyway)

Can train with it for hours without issue.
Cut tatami very well.

Blade Order Details:
Shape: D - Hira Zukuri (will be a fun change)
Size: Katana based on the dimensions provided
Hamon: HM-21 (Gunome)
Sharpness: Sharp
Saya: 199 - I like the saya ito combination of Ryan1136 - I think that is Saya 199 with mother of pearl.
Sageo: 51 (Brown and white)
Tsuba: 736 (oni theme)
Habaki: 09 (Silver)
Same: 02 Black (full wrap if possible)
Ito: 23 Golden( I think that is the same color shown on Ryan1136)
Tsuka Style: Hinerimaki
Bohi: BH-02 ideally with clean terminations.

Blade Specs Requested:
Handle/Tsuka Length: 11”
Blade/Nagasa Length: 30" (without habaki)
Sori: .6”
Moto-haba: 1.4”
Motokasane: .24”
Saki-haba: 1.15”
Sakikasane: .20”
Bohi - Yes, starting 1" above habaki

Blade Specs Actual:
Handle/Tsuka Length: ”11
Blade/Nagasa Length: 30” (without habaki)
Sori: .568”
Moto-haba: 1.356”
Motokasane: .251”
Saki-haba: 1.084”
Sakikasane: .180”
Weight: 2lb 6.7oz
POB: 5.25” from tsuba
MSRP: $500

Sword Stand by Enso Workshop - https://www.etsy.com/shop/EnsoWorkshop

Music provided by - Kevin MacLeod incompetech.com

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