Raw Seeds and Hopeful Possibilities

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Raw Seeds and Hopeful Possibilities

By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax

Putney Mountain, Vermont
October opens with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in 11 Libra on the 2nd day of the month. The Chandra symbol for this degree is "Tea leaves that form a pentagram", which is about ancient patterns breeding current world events. Until the roots of the pattern are exposed, it tends to gobble up everything in its shadow.

Unless you grasp its roots, the old picture tends to replicate rather than transform. Karma prevails, conquering grace.

My astrology, writing and music are devoted to transforming patterns at the root. When you contact source you encounter great power, but it's easy to get lost down there.

The way through the muck depends on finding raw seeds and hopeful possibilities, like a blind man digging tunnels to something rich and real and true and vital emerging from the Karmic Gumbo.

Between the stuckness of the old and premise of the new, Libra balance scales tip back and forth toward the Full Moon cervix at 25 Aries on October 17th: "A great dragon asleep in a cave."

Birthing and delivering the slumbering soul of humankind is our best chance to bring on a future brighter than the one being whipped up by dark forces and corporate media.

Unless we wake up the love we're made of, extract it into medicine, and spread it around the world like we did in the Sixties, the anti-life forces will complete their current takeover.

But you too, are at the root of the problem. In some other body, some other life, or in the body of an ancestor, your soul participated in the beginning of the world.

Which means you transform the ancient darkness when you release the great light within you.

Who Are You Really? Why Are You Here?
How Much Longer Are You Willing to Wait?

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