At Abu Ghraib, detainees faced a range of horrific treatments

5 months ago

At Abu Ghraib, detainees faced a range of horrific treatments. Reports documented instances of sodomy with objects, forced sexual acts, and the use of dogs to intimidate and terrorize prisoners.
Soldiers would often force detainees into humiliating positions, take degrading photographs, and employ psychological tactics designed to instill fear. The infamous images that emerged from Abu Ghraib showcased not only the physical abuse, but also the dehumanizing treatment that prisoners endured.

Dogs were used as instruments of fear and control during interrogations. In some cases, soldiers would unleash dogs on detainees, threatening them with attack to extract information or simply to assert dominance. This tactic highlighted a disturbing aspect of the abuse: even animals were manipulated to participate in the dehumanization of individuals who were already vulnerable. The video below, showing an American soldier attempting to force a dog to attack an Iraqi prisoner, starkly illustrates this point.

Video: An American soldier trying to force his dog to attack an Iraqi prisoner, but even the animal shows more humanity than the American soldiers themselves. 2006, Baghdad, Iraq.

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