Israeli politician Daniella Weiss says she wants Israel to have its "Greater Israel."

4 months ago

Den israelske politiker Daniella Weiss siger, at hun ønsker, at Israel skal have sine grænser "Fra Eufrat til Nilen", med andre ord "Greater Israel."

For dem, der ikke ved det, omfatter Greater Israel:

•Hele Palæstina

•Hele Jordan

•Dele af Irak

•Dele af Libanon

•Dele af Syrien

•Dele af Iran

•Dele af Egypten

•Dele af Tyrkiet

•Dele af Saudi-Arabien

Disse mennesker ønsker ikke at stoppe ved Palæstina.

Israeli politician Daniella Weiss says she wants Israel to have its borders "From the Euphrates to the Nile," in other words "Greater Israel."

For those who don't know, Greater Israel includes:

•All of Palestine

•All of Jordan

•Parts of Iraq

•Parts of Lebanon

•Parts of Syria

•Parts of Iran

•Parts of Egypt

•Parts of Turkey

•Parts of Saudi Arabia

These people do not want to stop at Palestine.

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