‘He Just Called Me a Pervert, He Will Be Sued Now’: Alan Dershowitz Pledges to Sue Debate Opponent

4 months ago

HIJAB: “Talk about proportionality, is your favorite word. We’re talking about 30,000 people detained in prisons on the one hand, and 100 people who are hostages. And yet we have managed somehow to spend way more time proportionately — “
Morgan: “Actually, you said 3,000 a minute ago. Which one is it? 3,000?”
HIJAB: “Sorry, 3,000. 3,000. Not 30.”
Morgan: “Get your numbers right if you’re going to make that claim.”
HIJAB: “Okay, it was — I misspoke.”
Morgan: “Exagerrated 10 times.”
HIJAB: “Not a problem. He spoke about Iran. Let’s ask — let me ask you a question about — “
Morgan: “Hang on, let me ask the questions — “
HIJAB: “Sure.”
Morgan: “ — and you guys try and debate it. At the moment, Alan Dershowitz is being very civilized in the way he’s debating.”
HIJAB: “I’m sure you’re going to say that.”
Morgan: “You’re just making ad hominem attacks and shouting all the time.”
HIJAB: “He’s your friend.”
Morgan: “No one can understand it when you shout — “
HIJAB: “Have you met him before?”
Morgan: “I know Alan well.”
HIJAB: “Oh, you know him well.”
Morgan: “I respect him very much.”
HIJAB: “Oh, yes, you do.”
Morgan: “He’s one of America’s top lawyers.”
HIJAB: “He’s top lawyers.”
Morgan: “He is.”
HIJAB: “Uh-huh. And you’re an unbiased person here. (Laughs)”
Morgan: “I’m unbiased person about Alan Dershowitz.”
HIJAB: “Does he have leverage on you, Piers Morgan?”
Morgan: “There’s no leverage on me. No.”
HIJAB: “You’ve got a picture with Maxwell.”
Morgan: “Yes, with Ghislaine Maxwell.”
HIJAB: “Did you go to the island?”
Morgan: “No, I’ve never been to the island. I’ve never met Jeffrey Epstein.”
HIJAB: “Be honest.”
Morgan: “I never spent more than 5 minutes with Ghislaine Maxwell.”
HIJAB: “Be honest.”
Morgan: “I’ve answered you. So what part of that was — “
HIJAB: “Do you condemn him being on the island? He’s your good friend.”
Morgan: “You can ask Mr. Dershowitz about Jeffrey Epstein — “
HIJAB: “He had a massage.”
Morgan: “He represented him.”
HIJAB: “He said he didn’t take his shorts off. That’s what he said.”
Morgan: “You know what? None of that has got anything to do with Israel.”
HIJAB: “He said he didn’t take his shorts off when he was getting a massage.”
Morgan: “Please, Mohammed — “
HIJAB: “Why is this uncomfortable?”
Morgan: “It’s nothing to do with the debate.”
HIJAB: “He didn’t take his shorts off, but he’s got his pants down now, hasn’t he?”
Morgan: “Can you stop it?”
HIJAB:” Why? Why?”
Morgan: “What’s the point?”
HIJAB: “He defended one of the most obnoxious people in the last 100 years. Why should I stop?”
Morgan: “Actually, what is going on right now in the Middle East is incredibly important.”
HIJAB: “Yes. And you have this man, who — “
Morgan: “You are trivializing the — well, if you didn’t want to do a debate, don’t agree to do it.”
HIJAB: “Who said I don’t want to do a debate? I’m saying this person, who’s defending Israel — “
Morgan: “You’re coming up with stupid, ad hominem attacks. It’s pathetic.”
HIJAB: “Oh, okay. All right. He’s your good friend, you want to defend him so much.”
Morgan: “What are you talking about?”
HIJAB: “You’re defending him?”
Morgan: “Huh?”
HIJAB: “You’re defending him. You’re defending a monster, a pervert, an old pervert.”
Morgan: “He’s not a pervert or a monster?”
HIJAB: “Why is he not? He knew Epstein. And for us, there’s good — “
Morgan: “Why are you doing this, Mohammed?”
HIJAB: “Why not?”
Morgan: “Because it’s pointless. You may get a few clicks — “
HIJAB: “Okay, ask a question.”
Morgan: “You might get a few clicks on it. So what?”
DERSHOWITZ: “It’s not — it’s not — “
HIJAB: “Ask your questions.”
DERSHOWITZ: “Let me be very clear, it’s not pointless. He just called me a pervert. He will be sued now for defamation — “
HIJAB: “Defamation is honest opinion. In the U.K. we have different definition than yours.”
DERSHOWITZ: “I guarantee you that he will be sued for calling me a pervert.”
HIJAB: “And my understanding, you are a pervert because you were acquainted with Jeffrey Epstein.”
DERSHOWITZ: “The woman who falsely accused me has now withdrawn her accusation — “
HIJAB: “Sure. I’ve got my own defamation cases. I know the law very well here. You can’t threaten me.”
DERSHOWITZ: “ — and acknowledged that she may have confused me with somebody else.”
HIJAB: “You can’t threaten me. I know the law very well. I consider you to be a pervert because of your connection with Jeffrey Epstein.”
DERSHOWITZ: “And calling me a pervert will result in a defamation lawsuit — “
HIJAB: “Sure. I’m ready for it.”
DERSHOWITZ: “ — in an American court and in a British court.”
HIJAB: “I’m ready. I’m ready for the lawsuits.”
DERSHOWITZ: “I assure you of that.”
HIJAB: “I believe you are a old pervert.”
DERSHOWITZ: “Let’s move on to Israel now.”
Morgan: “Why Don’t We move on to the debate?”
HIJAB: “You’re an old pervert.”
DERSHOWITZ: “We’ll resolve this in court. Let’s move on to Israel.”

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