Alaska Almost Bought by the Smallest Country 🇺🇸💰🇱🇮

2 months ago

Did you know that Alaska, the northernmost and largest state in the United States, could have been a part of Liechtenstein? In this video, we delve into the intriguing tale of Alaska's origins. Once a territory of the Russian Empire, Alaska found itself up for grabs during the Crimean War. Facing economic strain, Russia sought to offload the vast expanse of land, leading to an unexpected twist in the story. Discover how Liechtenstein, a country smaller than Brooklyn, New York, was on the verge of acquiring Alaska. Imagine the implications of this unlikely union! But fate had other plans, as Liechtenstein made a last-minute decision that altered the course of history. Learn about the pivotal moment in 1867 when the United States stepped in and purchased Alaska from Russia for a mere 7.2 million dollars. Adjusted for inflation, this bargain deal equates to 125 million dollars today. A steal for such a colossal territory! But the story doesn't end there. Dive deeper into Alaska's rich history and uncover the golden legacy left behind by the Klondike Gold Rush. With over 900 tons of gold mined, Alaska's newfound wealth soared to unimaginable heights, dwarfing the initial purchase price by a staggering 288 times. 😱 #usa #alaska #unitedstates #map #maps #liechtenstein #us #learn #states #geography #history #border #viralfact #facts #fyp #interestingplace #geoshorts #historyshorts #shorts #usa #uniquegeography #learning #viral #viralmap #maplovers #geographyeducation #geographygeeks #geographystory #viralfact #facts

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