STB099 | BSE | Messy EP3 | Cultivate Relationships

5 months ago

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the messiness of perfection. They discuss the Scriptural word for perfection and how it also means completeness or maturity. They also reveal that we are ever becoming perfect while God is perfect.

What might tiny choices (toward maturity, completeness, or perfection) look like in the following areas (not an exhaustive list):
• Finances (e.g., savings, generous giving, etc.)
• Ministry (e.g., volunteering, serving, etc.)
• Relationships (e.g., friendships, marriage, parenting, etc.)
• Employment/Career (e.g., boss, employee, employers, co-workers, etc.)
• Education (e.g., future career, qualifications, degrees, location, etc.)
• Reading Scripture (e.g., study, devotions, etc.)
• Prayer (e.g., by yourself, with others, etc.)
• Health (e.g., mental, physical, emotional, etc.)
• …

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit:
1. “What is ONE area from the list above You want me to make a tiny change?”
2. What tiny change do You want me to make in this area?

• Website & Resources:

(00:00) Dad Jokes / Introduction
(27:09) Matthew 5.48 / Perfect, Complete, Mature
(41:51) Exodus 23.30 / Israel's Process of Taking the Promised Land
(59:35) 2 Corinthians 7.1 / Perfection is One Degree at a Time
(1:14:31) Application Questions, & Activation Steps

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