We Ignite The Night for We Stand for #ASHA = That which is TRUTH that Which is #RIGHT

5 months ago

The #Song's Title:
We Persians #Ignite The #Night! For We Stand for What's #True for What's #theOnlyWay, for #ASHA, #forthatWhich is #RIGHT !!!

~Reza G. ⚡️'s ☀️-Note: (https://t.me/rezatadious)
Forgive Me for Not Having The Energy/Means to Do These Things #Manually inside of Iran Now! & Let's Hope This Song Will Rile All #Persians = #Iranians Up ---> to rise up like 🔥in order to re-Claim Their National Identity that which is 100% connected to the one true Religion which is the Way of #TRUTH = aka. #Zarathushtra_ism || #Mitraism || #Wisdom_Seeking ! & Shout-Outs to Eminem, Pavel & Sew & All My Friends ! ~for #AhuraMazda of #Iran 👁‍🗨 Made Using Pure Intelligence and Nothing More or Less. Taste what this Old Malfunctioning Computer When Guided/Coded by a #TruePersian Can Generate with Zero Human Interaction! I actually didn't Need to Even Use 1% of My Talent for This One. I won't use the word HOPE. I know it will Rile You 🆙. 🔥 ☓ 🔥

اینم از توانایی های عجیب من امیدوارم که خوب از آب در اومده باشه خودم هنوز گوشش ندادم حتی یکبار !!! ❤️

#javaFXappDevelpment #theindigoflame #usingOnesOwnApps_x_AIs #imJustbuildingMyOwnResume #myJavaCertificate #myPOW_or_Proof_of_RealNess #iNeverTalkedHighlyofMySkills #youDontKnowMeAtAll #LoveYouRumbleGuys #imInsideIRANforLordsSake #persianJavaCoderNobodyKnowsToEvenExist !
#java #appDevelpment #theindigoflame #buckyRoberts #EminemSongs #listeningToMusicUsingYourOwnApps #forTheExperts #buildingAResume #myJavaCertificate #POW #Proof_of_RealNess #iNeverTalkHighlyOfMe #iHateMyself #youDontKnowMeAtAll #LoveYouRumbleGuys #treatMeWell #somePersianJavaWorldClassCoderNobodyKnowsToEvenExist #iAMGod #DOTFLMAOTD

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