Team Jesus, Do you believe in Jesus?

5 months ago

Team Jesus, Do you believe in Jesus? Who is Jesus? How do I find Jesus?

People want to know.

So you want to know Jesus.
Who is This Jesus?

By Mary Leonard

People say do you know Jesus? Have you been saved? Have you received the free gift or eternal life and grace? Do you want free? Have you welcomed love into your heart? Do you want to surrender and give shame and guilt and self-abuse away?

Theses questions are all the same question. Different ways of welcoming you into the family. A way of showing God’s love and light to you. Way of welcome you into the family of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Joining with a brother and sisterhood of orphan, now family. Jesus made simple is what this article is about.

Jesus is so in love with you! He is chasing you in the Spiritual Realm. If you let him catch you, you will find peace and forgiveness that you long for. You are no different than the rest of us. It is written on our souls from when you were created. That is why you know in your heart, it should not be this hard.

Once you meet him you will know it. Many say I am a believer that means I know Jesus. I welcomed Him into my heart and my life. I surrendered my ways of trying and falling short for His ways of gentle success. I laid all my baggage at his feet and all my pain, sorrow, fear and worry at His feet. I now longer refer to it. I say I am healed because of Jesus. I welcome Him to my life to teach me and love me. I am no longer an orphan. I have a new identity as the son of God, the brother of Jesus and to vessel of God’s Spirit and the family of believers are my kin.

When you have a personal experience with the Trinity, (God, Jesus and or Holy Spirit) write it down. Find someone (a believer) to talk to it about. I have 100 of thousands of experiences with them. So, I will explain that just as you are one person, you have the mind, the spirit and the body, they work together to make you. This is the simple correlation. The Trinity, (God, Jesus and or Holy Spirit) are all one God but different persons. Jesus became man the body. Holy Spirit is within you and guiding you. Some call that your conscience. I do not. Holy Spirt is a part of God that was send to you after you welcome Jesus into your life a savior to help you understand, to teach you, comfort you and show you Jesus’s perfect peace.

Have you ever seen a picture of Vice President of the United States, Pence? Have you ever seen his eyes? Those eyes have compassion, love and peace even in the toughest of times. Those are called “Jesus Eyes”. You can tell a Sister of Brother in Jesus Christ by their eyes. By their ability to know, or see, or feel or hear God. God, the Creator is always wanted an awesome relationship with His creations. But Adam His first creation messed it up. Jesus came to fix that mess. On Easter we celebrate, the repair in the relationship with God.

Of course, Christians have fancy names for all these things. We call it Christianese (or Christianeze), a way of explain a concept in one quick word. Like, the golden chain of salvation, or a bible reference like Romans 8:8, or Romans 8 The Passion Translation (TPT). This is for later when you join a group or a mentor comes along or even a church helps you understand more deeply the true depths of God’s love for you. Don’t get caught up in the complexity. God simply loves you. Welcome Jesus to your heart and give Him your baggage. Find a person with Jesus eyes to help you. Be Blessed!

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