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Donald Trump was Abraham Lincoln?

4 months ago

You read it right - #donaldtrump was #abrahamlincoln in his past life. This is straight from the Spiritual Patriot who is here for the #Revelations that you've never heard before. #akashicrecords never lie.

The bullet may have stopped #lincoln before, but not #trump - this chosen soul is on a mission to uphold #liberty, #equality, #maga - making #america great again; and that #usa - the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the #earth but under #God, shall have a new birth of #freedom.

The Spiritual Patriot will always shed the Light of #Truth to every important thing that has always been kept in the dark. Don't miss the next revelation on #politics #election #patriotism, and many more!

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • This will rattle those who look as "deep as personality"! - A. from Canada