Sean O’Brien: The Democrat Party ‘Has F*cked Us over for the Last Forty Years’

3 months ago

O’BRIEN: “I’ll be honest with you, I’m a Democrat, but they have f**ked us over for last 40 years and for once — and not all them, but for once we’re standing up as a union, probably the only one right now, saying, ‘What the f**k have you done for us?’”
VON: “Yeah.”
O’BRIEN: “And I’m getting attacked from the left, you know, and we’ve given — since I’ve been in office two and half years, we have given the democratic machine $15.7 million, we have given Republicans about $340,000, truth be told. So it’s like, you know, people say the Democratic Party’s a party of the working people. They’re bought and paid for by Big Tech, those Big Tech companies.”
VON: “Yeah, tech is the new fossil fuel, man. That’s what I said.”
O’BRIEN: “Right. And you’ve got the Republicans who are now saying, ‘Hey, we want to be the working class party,’ right? And okay, you’ve got a great opportunity right now to do that. And the Democrats, if 60% of our members aren’t supporting you, the f**king system’s broken and you need to fix it. Stop point fingers at Sean O’Brien. Stop pointing fingers at the Teamsters union. Look in the mirror. I mean, I had a — I had a heated debate with — heated discussion two weeks ago with Chuck Schumer and it got f**king ugly.”
VON: “Chuck Schumer is a piece of sh*t.”
O’BRIEN: “And it got ugly because, you know, these politicians, you know, the one thing I’ve learned, they f**king walk in and they tell you, ‘I did this for you.’ ‘Okay, great. Let me tell you what you haven’t f**king done for us or our members.’ And we got into it pretty heavy and I’m like, ‘You had no problem taking $550,000 from me three weeks prior to me going on the Republican National Convention, and then you want to be a f**king tough guy on Twitter or X or whatever is and throw sh*t out there about me? Like, whatever.”

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