Keith Olbermann's Terminal Case Of Elon Derangement Syndrome, Wants Musk DEPORTED For Backing Trump

5 months ago

Posted • October 8, 2024: Keith Olbermann is not well. In fact, this election cycle may break his already Trump Derangement Syndrome-addled brain. In fact, he's not only got a severe case of TDS, we can also diagnose him with Elon Derangement Syndrome. And that, too, seems to be terminal. Keith Olbermann calls on Biden to deport Elon Musk. The Elon Derangement Syndrome is off the charts. Hoo boy. Keith has a habit of calling for the punishment of people he disagrees with politically, including this hilarious thread of all the times he demanded people be arrested. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Keith Olbermann Has Terminal Case of Elon Derangement Syndrome, Wants Musk DEPORTED for Supporting Trump

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