American adults consume 103% more than the recommended amount of sugar per day

4 months ago

Grace Price, teen science-based investigative journalist: "American adults consume 103% more than the recommended amount of sugar per day, whereas the average American child consumes 224% more than the recommended amount. Adults wonder why we are on pills for depression, ADHD, and obesity, but the answer is glaring at us. Don't take my word for it, just look at the most recent food pyramid that was released. Lucky Charms Cereals is ranked higher than ground beef. Coincidentally, 95% of the USDA dietary guidelines advisory committee in 2020 was found of conflict of interest with big food and big pharma. Prescribing lifelong use of drugs like Ozempic to teens is not the solution. Addressing the corporate capture of our government by big food conglomerates is. We need change now. For the sake of the future of our nation, please consider my generation."

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