You Can Feel Alone, You Can’t Be Alone - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 26 - You Can Feel Alone, You Can’t Be Alone - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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It is possible to feel alone, it is impossible to be alone. God is always with and within you. There is not a place or time where God is not. Free will allows you to place your focus on Him or on your loneliness, in the moment that is your choice to make. God forever awaits you to return your focus to Him. Regardless of the journey you have taken or the dark alleys you may have traveled through, God waits for you with arms wide open that radiate everlasting love, patience and peace. Today allow His Sun to rise once again in you, and in that holy light, stand wholly unafraid. Today allow compassion, forgiveness, love, charity, and joy, all that in truth you are, to radiate from you. Today allow God to raise you up from the shadows of the ego’s lonely world, embrace you in His hand as a lantern in the dark, lift you up high for all to see, and share you as an example of the triumph of the soul.
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