Al Gore's Climate Alarmism Rejected by His 'Mentor;' New Documentary from Joel Gilbert

5 months ago

Amid Al Gore's braggadocios and rather lucrative climate alarmism campaign, the former Vice President repeatedly claimed his Harvard professor Roger Revelle was the source of his “climate science." Documentary creator Joel Gilbert researched and found our Revelle actually rejected Gore's brand of climate doom theory. In a new video, Gilbert documents his findings and research on the subject as well as Gore's continuously wrong but boastful climate claims and put together a rather unique documentary titled: THE CLIMATE ACCORDING TO AI AL GORE.
In this one, Gilbert sits down with an AI version of Al Gore with questions he wanted to ask the former Veep and finds out how a computer-generated Gore would respond to them.
Josh Gilbert joins Dr. Jerome Corsi on today's The Truth Central
For more information on "The Climate According to AI Al Gore:
For information on Gilbert's other recent documentary: "Arrested by Kamala: A Black Mother's Story" -

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