REDNECKED PATRIOTS: What one of Australia’s top psychologists thinks of licenced shooters

2 months ago

TIM WATSON-MUNRO remains a prominent figure in forensic psychology who is regularly in the media. He’s covered Julian Knight, Alphonse Gangitano and more recently the Bondi stabbings.

However he’s got a past.

In 1997, he joined the lynch mob that John Howard started, calling ‘huge numbers’ of shooters ‘vigilantes’ – before falling from grace himself. Over the following 2 to 3 years, Watson-Munro got busted with a cocaine habit and got deregistered as a psychologist. Yet he’s got his licence back and still being used by the media.

That’s why we’ve written to Seven’s Sunrise program asking that they stop using him because of his divisive opinions and history.

We’ve also asked Watson-Munro for his comment on our story. In fact, if he’d like to come onto our podcast to refute what we said, then the door is open…
This is just an EXTRACT from that interview / podcast.

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