Top Int'l Law Prof Warns of UN 'Power Grab' With 'Pact for the Future' 10-7-2024

5 months ago

Top Int'l Law Prof Warns of UN 'Power Grab' With 'Pact for the Future' 10-7-2024
October 7th, 2024
Alex Newman - The New American
The United Nations Pact for the Future, despite being passed using tactics of dubious legality, represents a "POWER GRAB" of enormous proportions that must be resisted by all governments and nations, explained University of Illinois Professor of International Law Francis Boyle in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman.
Boyle, Harvard-trained leading expert on international law recognized worldwide, also warned that this pact centralizes power and authority in the hands of socialist UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in violation of the UN charter. Finally, Boyle warned about the effort to create a global totalitarian police state under the guise of "public health" and that Trump must take urgent action. 
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