Free Will: The Beginning of the End of Victimhood - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 16 - Free Will: The Beginning of the End of Victim-hood - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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The role of victim no longer serves us. No longer will we choose to be chained to the past and imprisoned by our own thoughts. Today through free will we take personal responsibility for the life we are experiencing. Today we stand strong in the knowledge that free will allows us to walk out of that prison of victim-hood within our minds, and create from this point forward, a world without bars. Instead of continuing to take dictation from the past, we now choose to place our time, energy, and focus into what we truly desire to experience. We are secretaries no longer; today we become our own boss. Today we remember that the world we see, experience, and participate in, is simply a reflection and physical manifestation of the thoughts that through free will we shape, support, and reinforce with our time, energy, and focus. Today as our understanding of the true power of free will is strengthen the thoughts of victim-hood dissolve.
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