David Hughes, PhD - Resisting the Global Technocratic Coup: Seeing the Bigger Picture

5 months ago

A global class war was initiated with the “Covid-19” psychological operation in 2020. The aim of the war is the controlled demolition of liberal democracy and the institution of a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism known as technocracy. The war is waged by the few against the many, and requires novel strategies and tactics.

It is an Omniwar, waged across every domain of life but disguised so that the public does not recognize it as such. Much of the weaponry is invisible. If the technocrats win the war, the result will be a global slavery system in which a numerically minuscule transnational ruling class achieves total control over every area of human life, including biology.

Transhumanism is a camouflaged military project which seeks to integrate human bodies with the technocratic control grid. Resistance in the Omniwar requires recognizing what is happening, following your conscience, and taking personal responsibility for doing whatever you can to help put down the global technocratic coup


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