Warrior Podcast #42-The Trading Floor Career of Hagop Soulakian- Mastering Reinvention

4 months ago

Hagop Soulakian had a successful career on the busy trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (C.M.E.) Like many traders, he was forced to leave the trading floor when all the pit volume went to the electronic platform. For many who left the floor, they were not able to start new careers and decided to try online trading. Unfortunately, many went financially belly up.

Hagop started at the bottom as a runner, worked his way up to pit clerk and eventually became a trader (local) in the busy S&P pit. Follow his story from beginning to reinvention.

#strongmind #stronglife #warriormindset #perspective #gratitude #warrior #riseandgrind #firingandwiring #nocomfortzone #nolimits #ageandwisdom #nosurrender #mementomori #smileatthereaper #Fight #neverquit #Courage #nofear #brave #thereisnotomorrow #neverquit #clairty #wisdom #strength #honor #integrity #FREEDOM #honesty #loyalty #truth #payattention #humor #forgiveness #cometogether #honor #code #trader #traders #tradingfloor #S&P #tradingpits
#tradingfloor #CME #MERC

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