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Fringe Think Tank ep 14

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Join us for our Monday Night Fringe Think Tank. Nathan and I host a new guest every week to discuss, plan, learn and explore new ideas together within the realms of fringe science.
Demonstration of system: • Zero Point Energy Solved? 😱🤯
DIY Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gHurb54Utojdbnw8yj9lPdaDY95svM5XVn4CpEujx98/edit?pli=1

Links to the teams channels. Subscribe to all of our awesome channels here:
Old Man Builds - / @nathanbunten4299
Myke Does - / @mykedoes4099
Crypto Alchemist - / @cryptoalchemist369
Gerald's Channel - / @wpgenlighten4truth2
Mike w/ Faraday Research - / @faradayresearch

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