Indecisiveness / Decision Making - a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

5 months ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for September 29: "Indecisiveness. Decision Making.” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - When in doubt about what to do, invite Love, God, to lead the way.
2 - When in doubt, ask yourself: "What decision would bring me the most peace?"
3 - The more you allow, Love, God to decide for you the more confident you will become in your decision making process.
4 - When in doubt, see this as a perfect moment to practice trusting in God's guidance more.
5 - When feeling indecisiveness, it is because the ego is in control of your mind and thinking.
6 - When you allow Love to lead the way, peace results.
7 - Decision making is not a rat race. Practice trusting Divine Timing.
8 - God being Perfect Love, will use any of your decisions for good, thus you can never make a wrong decision.
9 - Everything happens in Divine Time, and so be at peace.
10 - Guilt and shame are simply opportunities being offered by the Universe to forgive and to ask for forgiveness, and thus to heal.
11 - Before any interaction, set your goal: "I will be the most loving person that I can be."
12 - The more you practice 'being loving' your goal, the more natural and normal this goal becomes.
13- What is really happening in each and every interaction - your brother or sister is helping you recall and practice that you can allow love to lead the way.
14 - When you understand what every situation offers you, gratitude will become your response.
15 - The outer world does not upset you, what upsets you is how you are choosing to define it.
16 - When you practice forgiveness over judgment you are choosing peace over pain.
17 - Taking personal responsibility for the world you see.
18 - True change is done within us, not 'out there'.
19 - You can always undo what you have done.
20 - The ego has you judge the situation and then has you judge yourself for being judgmental.
21 - Learn to see the present moment as the gift from God to us that it is.
22 - God only offers you what you can handle and overcome.
23 - When you have a challenge, it is because God knows that you are ready to go through it, process it, forgive it and at peace let it go.
24- God is always making you an answered prayer.
25 - Challenges are a reflection that you are ready to deal with such issues, so pat yourself on the back for experiencing them.

Daily Inspiration: September 29. Indecisiveness – Condensed Version

When we’re feeling stuck, not knowing what to do, let us not despair. Instead, let us learn to use such instances to practice inviting Love to lead the way. Let us recall that peace is an expression of Love. So when we make a choice that brings us the most peace, we are choosing in alignment with the mind of God. Love is our true north, nature, essence, fuel source, foundation and Home. Indecisiveness is just a sign that shows us when we are not in alignment with our true north. When we align with love and any of its expressions, such as peace, joy, forgiveness and compassion, our indecisiveness will begin to fade away. Today, if you are feeling indecisive, align with love and ask yourself questions such as: “What decision would bring me the most peace?” “What would be the most compassionate way of dealing with this issue?” “What would Love have me think, say and do now?”

Today, let us not put ourself down if feeling indecisive. Instead, let us use this as an opportunity to practice increasing our trust in the Divine. When we learn to use indecisiveness, not to condemn ourself, but as a call from the universe inviting us to trust God more, the results are hope, peace and healing. When we trust the Divine and allow ourself to be guided by Love, this clears and clarifies our path, and we can then choose the most loving decision in the moment. The more we choose in alignment with the loving mind of God, the more secure we become in our decision-making process. The more we allow Love to lead us, the more at peace we will feel in our decision-making process. Today, if in doubt, do not despair. Instead, learn to use such moments to recall that God uses all for good — to help us grow, heal and awaken. And so at peace, know that even what the ego judges as a “wrong” decision helps us figure out what we do not want. This then helps us clarify what it is we do want, and thus it is helpful. Now, understanding that aligned with the mind of God, you cannot lose, allow Love, the truth in you, to decide for you and be at peace.
We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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