Disaster Communications | What Have We Learned

4 months ago

Each time we have a large scale disaster people start talking about what we could have done to mitigate the disaster. However, for those impacted by the disaster their only current concern is immediate life saving assistance. Fortunately, many are getting this assistance thanks to amateur radio equipment and some operators. Licensed or not many people are using simple analogue two-way handheld radios to call for help. I applaud them for knowing how to get on their local repeater frequency and get the emergency help they need.

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RAK Wireless affiliate link: https://rakwireless.kckb.st/70516a8a
County Comm: https://countycomm.com/RAVENWOODACRES
VGC Radios: https://www.verotelecom.com/?parent_user_id=18725694&utm_source=sns_share&utm_medium=share_url
Starlink: https://www.starlink.com/residential?referral=RC-1285867-58365-79

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