The Medjugorje Deception: Demonic Apparitions and the Mother Goddess Cult of an Isis Clone

4 months ago

Source: E. Michael Jones "Visions on Demand: The Medjugorje Conspiracy"
Network Five International Production

Cesare Valocchia: "UFOs and Alien Contacts in Christian History: Extraterrestrial Interference in the Cult of the Virgin Mary"

Nancy Osborn: "The Demon Syndrome"

Following below is an excerpt about Ann Haywood from the book "Riding the Wave" by Laura Knight-Jadczyk: "One night the lady took me to another time. We were in a foreign land where people wore old-fashioned clothes. The Lady took the form of a beautiful woman in a blue robe. She performed miracles for the people there [...]"

Ann Haywoood, the human 'host' of this entity (this case has striking similarities to the Betty Andreasson Luca case) was apparently 'punished' for her statements in the media:

Quote: "Suddenly Ann's face turned ashen gray, and she apologized. Her cry of pain could be heard from the bathroom where she had sought refuge. When Ann came out, she was sniffling and holding her lower abdomen. The Lady had attacked her for the revelation that throughout history, creatures like the Lady had taken on the appearance of saints. They exploit the gullibility of humanity to disinform and mislead people into believing that they are being shown real miracles. Ann begged the press representative not to publish this part of the interview." [Nancy Osborn, The Demon Syndrome, 1983]

E. Michael Jones: "The Medjugorje Deception"

"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap:
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers:
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos:

"The Matrix Revealed. Book 2. The Eye of Ra"
"The Matrix Revealed. Book 1. The Programming Of A Planet"

"Jesus was a Usurper"
"The Templar Revelation"

!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"!!!

In 1981, six children claimed to have witnessed a brilliant light on a hill near Medjugorje, sparking debates about whether it was an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary or a scheme orchestrated by certain Franciscan priests for power and money, possibly creating a new religion. Network 5 conducted an undercover investigation and joined forces with journalist E. Michael Jones, who has been researching Medjugorje for a decade. Since then, both Jones and Network 5 have received death threats from Medjugorje promoters. The village amassed considerable funds during the Bosnian civil war, allegedly without clarity on its usage. Despite the Catholic Church and the Bishop of Mostar asserting that no supernatural events occurred and discouraging pilgrimages to Medjugorje, followers persistently invoke Pope John Paul II and the Vatican in their promotions, raising questions about their actions in contradiction to the Church's stance. The makers of the program and E. Michael Jones consider this to be the most significant hoax in the history of the church.

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