Satan’s Days of Worship

5 months ago

Satan’s Days of Worship CB23
Feast of Tabernacles 2024 Presentation.

Most people of the world keep Christmas, Easter and New Year but is there any scriptural basis for keeping these days? If not, can we keep God’s Days alongside a false religious system?

The Saints of God are those who keep the Commandments of God and the Testimony of Christ (Rev. 12:17; 14:12; 22:14). They worship the One True God (Deut. 6:4; Jn. 1:18; 17:3; 1Tim. 6:16; 1Jn. 5:20). They obey all the Law and worship God on the correct days in the way that God has ordered.
False systems of worship
Satan is the Prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2). This means that Satan can influence the way people think. Satan wants to thwart God’s Plan. Of course, God will not allow that to happen. But in the first 6,000 years during which Satan was allowed to rule the Earth, he introduced many false teachings and, in doing so, he deceived many people.

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