Daily Reflections Meditation Book – October 8 – Alcoholics Anonymous - Read Along –Sober Recovery

5 months ago

October 8 – Daily Reflections – Alcoholics Anonymous - Sobriety

Daily Reflections Book – Link to get your own copy

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October 8


. . . and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.


I was beginning to approach my new life of sobriety with unaccustomed enthusiasm. New friends were cropping up and some of my battered friendships had begun to be repaired. Life was exciting, and I even began to enjoy my work, becoming so bold as to issue a report on the lack of proper care for some of our clients.
One day a co-worker informed me that my boss was really sore because a complaint, submitted over his head, had caused him much discomfort at the hands of his superiors. I knew that my report had created the problem, and began to feel responsible for my boss's difficulty. In discussing the affair, my co-worker tried to reassure me that an apology was not necessary, but I soon became convinced that I had to do something, regardless of how it might turn out. When I approached my boss and owned up to my hand in his difficulties, he was surprised.
But unexpected things came out of our encounter, and my boss and I were able to agree to interact more directly and effectively in the future.

Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous - Link for your own copy

AA 12 Steps & 12 Traditions - to get your own copy

Playlist for the AA Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions ↙️


Playlist for Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book First 164 Pages ↙️


Playlist: 24-Hours a Day book ↙️


Playlist for the Daily Reflections Book ↙️


The Life-Changing Twelve Step Solution to Alcoholism

If you or someone you care about is suffering from addiction, there is help available.

Are you trying to stop drinking?

Do you think you may be an alcoholic?

Alcoholics Anonymous has been successful in saving millions of lives and families.

These videos can be you’re A.A. meeting if you can’t get to one today.

Local meetings can be found online.

Reach out if you would like assistance.

Spiritual principles helping to live your best life without alcohol and drugs.

Recovery from unhealthy habits and creating solutions for a long happy and useful life.

Alcoholism doesn't have to be a death sentence.

Addiction can be fixed. Alcohol addiction interventions save families.

We can help answer questions about alcohol consumption and health.

Interventions and sober coaching

Alcoholics Anonymous US Meetings: https://www.aa.org/

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