ME & LEE with Judyth Vary Baker - Lee Harvey Oswald - Traitor, Spy or Patsy?

5 months ago

Today, I have a very special guest Judyth Vary Baker. She is an author, poet, artist, and public speaker who has published several books relating to Lee Harvey Oswald’s life and legacy. Her fascinating story will shed new light on the governments involvement in the Kennedy assassination and provide a lot of previously suppressed information about this mass trauma event that changed our country forever. Was Oswald a traitor to his country and the assassin of John F Kennedy? Or, was he a a CIA asset sent to infiltrate the Communist Party and later set up as the patsy?

If you would like to contact Judyth at X@judyth. Or, if you wanted to order a book directly please go to and send $40 for the updated version of Me and Lee.

Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

Thank you for listening.

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