🩸🩸🩸 — 2024-10-06 17-50-50.mp4 —🩸🩸🩸#stayAWAY from me !

2 months ago

it's 3762-07-21 ---> it's forbidden to harm anyone/anything on this day and much more I can't talk now my heart's physically aching because of what I read now and what you did to me on clubhouse as well as my ... ENTIRE LIFE as a WHOLE THING ! even plants! hours away from ---> day 22th out of 30 which is ---> the #windelemental (my birth-ELEMENT is wind 🍃 = #Green = #Pain vs. #Pleasure and #theHEART = #TheBridge CHAKRA !!! the #anahata #green x #heartchakra = 4th one and Leave me #ALONE !!!)'s Day ! VIDEO Message to All Recorded Today ---> 2024/10/06 which in our #zarathushtrian x #iranian calendar is ----> year 3762 / month = 7th & day = 21th !!! We are The Roots of All ! We Are All of You! Don't Cut Persians ! not the REAL ones left which are so hard to find even I myself Can't Find Them !!! Hour of Recording = 09(=hh):53(=mm):27(=ss) #container = mp4 ---> Compressed !!! I am not #OK at all !!! I recorded this like 9 in the morning don't ask me #ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and carry on! I didn't have the internet to send the original Quality Here. It's not like I even have a camera to begin with !!! just #LEAVE ME #ALONE to #DIE pls. !!! esp. #YOU !!! 'cause that's what you desire the most and YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT !!!

7:28 PM 2024-10-06 ---> https://www.facebook.com/Reza.TDS
7:29 PM 2024-10-06 ---> https://t.me/illumiamedia
7:30 PM 2024-10-06 ---> https://rumble.com/user/rezatadious/videos
7:31 PM 2024-10-06 ---> https://www.clubhouse.com/@skyfiredll

#death #reza #iran #video #message #illuminati #indigofire #theindigoflame #skyfire #mayday #fuckyouall

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