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15 seconds

“Christian Responsibility” - Colossians 3

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The Christian life comes with many blessings, as well as many responsibilities. Continuing our verse-by-verse series through the book of Colossians called “It’s All About Christ”, Pastor Tim teaches a message entitled “Christian Responsibility” from Chapter 3, that gives us some practical application for our faith. Here are the takeaways for today’s message: As a follower of Christ I am responsible to…1) ensure my focus becomes less temporal & increasingly eternal, 2) seek out my happiness in God, 3) watch my mouth, 4) break down any barrier that hinders the fellowship of God’s people, 5) treat people the way I want to be treated, and 6) be thankful in all circumstances. We hope this message encourages you to continually trust the Lord to help you fulfill all the responsibilities of being a Christ follower!


  • 0/2000
  • Jesus loves you pastor !!! thank you for the service !! Amen!!

  • God bless you and bring you even more deeply into His presence.