Skylab High School in Space

4 months ago

Series Scope and Content: This series consists of motion picture films and videos relating to various projects within the United States space program, such as Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the Saturn Space Project. Included is research and development footage relating to energy alternatives, tracking man - made tornados, zero gravity, galactic mapping, Apollo 16 and 17, using space resources, and solar heating and cooling. The series also contains footage of Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, Wernher Von Braun, who spoke about administrative matters and student experiments.

National Archives Identifer (series): 562166
Local Identifier: 255-M-75-418

Creator(s): National Aeronautics and Space Administration

From: Series: Motion Picture Films and Videos on Skylab, Saturn, the Space Shuttle and Other Space Programs, 1962 - 1984

Record Group 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The creator compiled or maintained the series between: 1962 - 1984

National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RDSM)
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540

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