Star Trek Online: Mirrors and Smoke - Kuumaarke Heals a Planet

4 months ago

After 10 minutes messing about with crew skills and making no meaningful changes it's time to head of with Kuumaarke once again to investigate some strange readings in a nearby nebula, once there we make a remarkable discovery. We're invited down to the planet where we find an environmental disaster, the Kentari are making the same old mistakes as before and are killing themselves with pollution. Internal tensions between factions is hindering any progress and we're asked to assist in improvements. Sadly the traditionalist faction wipes out all life on the nearby moon that's used as a massive farm and it's up to Kuumaarke and us to fix it. A huge battle ensues (as always) and we finally restore life to the moon but are then challenged by the faction's leader - the Minister of Defence of the Kentari serving - supposedly - alongside the Prime Minister. He's fianlly beaten and we return to the Prime Minister where Kuumaarke and the Prime Minister vow to renew the relationship between the Lukari and the Kentari. Tea, medals and a shiny new armour set to gather are our rewards.

Next up we attempt a prison break to rescue the legendary Klingon General Martok from a Son'a facility in the Briar Patch. We start off fighting our way covertly to the site before assuming the guise of prisoners under the watch of General Rodek before freeing Martok and fighting our way out, laying waste to the prison and its guards on the way out. We escape but the cost is dear as the Tzenkethi Captain Waram Tzen-Gravu casually murders one of our companions before we have an epic battle to escape to space. Martok, sadly, fails to shout 'THIS IS SPARTA' before kicking Waram Tzen-Gravu down a hole into space, but we'll forgive him for now.

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