Why you should say NO to "Fluoride".

5 months ago

Hey all, a recent court ruling inspired me to get the word out there on possible issues with fluoride intake via drinking water, cooking, bathing, cosmetics, etc.

Lets dig into fluorides impact on neurotoxicity, hormone disruption and skeletal/tissue calcification. Below are a couple publications I reference in the conversation.

My opinion based on pretty obvious logic and science is to "get fluoride out of our water and food!" If you want to use fluoride then ask your dentist for a specific treatment or use fluoride containing toothpastes. It should not be automatically added in as some supposed health benefit for tooth decay. Let individuals be make the decision if I want to drink a neurotoxin!

I urge you to message your governors and local water municipality to stop adding it.

2016 Harvard publication: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/magazine/magazine_article/fluoridated-drinking-water/

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