you cannot change what you refuse to confront. Nancy Taipale you are a hypocrite. #racist in calgary

2 months ago

In this video we're talking about someone we already have talked about once and her name is Nancy Taipale, hete I'm just trying to show y'all the kind of liar she has been all her life. It's like this some people change when they get power but you didn't become a corrupt after power you always were corrupt, just like your European predecessors.
Carl Gustav Jung says thinking is difficult that's why most people judge.
Isn't that what you did when you arranged a board meeting with all of your KKKlan members to talk about me,judge me but didn't even have the guts to ask me or to come talk to me face to face, that made you look like the biggest coward, not like your silence wasn't enough for me see through that after im done with you i am gonna talk about one of your minions, Pam Heard.
Today you take the back seat with a glass of wine and I'll be the devil that tells God to suck it.
#calgary #systemicracism

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