Join Babaji’s Plan: Implementing Orion's Template for a New Humanity

2 months ago

Revolutionise this World.

We are activating Orion’s template in 12 countries this year.

There are two ways you can support the process as we work our way around the world:

1. Be an anchor person one of the 12 countries (i.e. you live in or are visiting that country).
2. Hold space for the process in any or all of the countries.

Please join us by registering at:

We are divinely guided in each step of the mission. We are learning which country corresponds to which chakra as we activate the New Earth.

We have activated the following countries so far:
Turkey (activated Monday 9th September 2024)
Russia (activated Wednesday 25th September 2024)
China (activated Thursday 3rd October 2024)

We will activate the United States of America on Thursday 10th October 2024, at 2pm EDT (8pm CEST).

Following that, we intend to activate:
South Africa

Babaji asked us to do one country each week. So after approximately 12 weeks, all countries will be activated.
Each activation takes place through a channelled light language ceremony on Zoom.

Join with us at:

You can read more about our work at:

Or listen to our podcast:

Thank you very much to Marc Quinn and Patrick Doyle for making this video possible!!!

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