Finding a Brony in Pokémon Red [Pokémon Red Part 10]

4 months ago

In This episode, I do a bit more exploring in Vermillion City. I talk to more people and learn about their daily lives.

Unfortunately Vermillion City Gym's entrance is blocked off by a few trees. If only I could CUT my way through.

Among these is the Chairman of the Pokémon Fan Club, a man that's way too into his Rapidash. As a reward for hearing his Fantasies, he gives me a Bike Voucher that I may be able to use in the Cerulean Bike shop.

I then enter the SS Anne, which only appears once a year, so I have to make the most of my time there. I fight a few restless trainers, talk to the waiter, and obtain the TM for Body Slam, but there's still more to experience.

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