Helene Decimates Southeast and FEMA is Nowhere to be found!

5 months ago

A Maine correspondent told “The First TV” host, Jesse Kelly, that a brand-new apartment building built for Maine residents has been turned over to illegals. The two-bedroom apartments rent for $2300.00 per month. African illegals were given the apartments free of cost and utilities for two years. Should they actually get jobs, they’ll only have to fork over a third of the cost Americans would pay.

Meanwhile, DHS Director Alejandro Mayorkas tells America that FEMA spent $1.4 billion dollars on “migrants,” a euphemistic term for the invited filth from all over the world invading our country, and there’s no more money for American disasters. I’ve been told that DHS has another $20 billion, but they’re refusing to spend it on Americans who are in dire need of food, water and rescue.

We’ve given $200 billion to Zelensky and his Nazi Azov Battalion soldiers, we have spent a trillion in housing and feeding the 20 million illegal aliens who have crossed our southern and now northern borders, but we don’t have the money to save our own American people. This is a treasonous betrayal by our centralized federal government which was weaponized over the eight years Obama and his cultural Marxists held office.

If we give each Illegal person $20,000 annually in total benefits and there are “ten Million” of them, the price is, hold onto your sox, two hundred billion dollars ($200,000,000,000) each and every single year. Much of this came from the FEMA coffers. It’s actually probably closer to three hundred billion dollars. So, over the last 3 1/2 years a ballpark figure of “One Trillion Dollars” has been spent on these third-world leeches, probably more. No wonder FEMA claims it is broke and hasn’t any money for the Hurricane disaster.

Americans are dying while we give our tax dollars to illegal aliens.

Citizens with helicopters have been saving people. When the pilots took people to a local hotel, they were told it was booked with federal employees. And just what are those fed employees doing?

People are trapped, no food, no water. Between Knoxville, TN and Ashville, NC, I-40 collapsed from the water and the road slid down the mountain. Everything has to get to NC by air or going the long way around. I remember seeing convoys of utility trucks heading south on I-40 when there were hurricanes in Florida. I haven’t seen anything like that for this disaster.

It’s a war zone and the military are not there.

H/T Kelleigh Nelson

LINK: https://drrichswier.com/author/knelson/

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