Get Your Agenda Off Our Flag!

2 months ago

Gays Against Grooming Canada Makes it to Parliament Hill

The LGB COMMUNITY has been hijacked by the trans-fascist-queer-agenda!

Kristopher Kamienik travels from BC to half the way across Canada to display an important message to 'Ottawa'.

Trans-Queer radicals... Get Your Agenda Off Our Flag!

LGB People across Canada want nothing to do with this war on children. We don't want our symbol associated in anyway with the government sanctioned child abusive programs, like SOGI in our education systems, or confusing & medicalizing minors.

Learn more about the well funded Marxist agenda, start here:

This is not about adults who transition.

If you're part of our Gay Community, and sickened by what's been going on in schools, etc... come join many more of us, who are standing up against this radicalization and brainwashing of Canadian youth.

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