FEMA gave 650M on illegals but low budget for Hurricane Helene | Ep. 433

4 months ago

Today on The Topping Show Bruce Springsteen endorses Kamala, Garth brooks accused of sexual assault, FEMA spent 640M on illegals but has little for hurricane victims, Elon on dems importing illegals into swing states, McDonalds to introduce chicken big mac, new ford expedition to get half of a Lincoln navigator screen, and Harley Davidson issues a recall, all that and much more on the Topping Show. #businessnews #politics #business #biden #trump #kamalaharris #timwalz

0:00 Intro
1:00 Business
1:02 McDonalds to introduce Chicken Big Mac
8:10 New Ford expedition get half a Lincon screen
15:30 Culture
15:32 Bruce Springsteen endorses Kamala Harris
30:22 Garth Brooks accused of sexual assault
38:52 Politics
38:54 FEMA spend 640.9M on illegals not much left for hurricane victims
51:56 Elon on dems importing illegals into swing states, some 700+%
58:45 Business Blunder
58:47 Harley Davison recall

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