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Fighting words

4 months ago

I am sure the mountain people are tough and take no crap. I know first hand that lobster men, loggers and most outdoorsmen are the same. Many times you can call them names and kick them down. They may take just so much. But you stand in there way. Of them actually rescuing family and friends. Or you try to take what little they have. Well,,,, you best not sleep at night.
These are the type of people that made up the minute men in the revolutionary war. These are the people that you want on your side. To care about you. There,,,, we,,,, May be rough around the edges. We may have foul mouths. But we fight for what’s right. And take it to the grave if need be. Following the laws of God. No other laws need apply. There often already in cut throat businesses. Just trying to survive. So everyday is a fight. Not a fight to get a sports car or a fancy suite. A fight to eat and pay bills for something to call there own.
Fuck around
Find out.
That’s just the way it is.
Now a bunch of those very people. Are very fired up. And for very good reason. Politicians can take a long walk, off a short pier. As the saying goes.
I pray those who think there in charge. Make the right decision’s.
They’ve been pushing for civil war for years now. Sounds like fema May be the first to find out.
Pray for stability.
Pray for Justice.
Just pray

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