The True Story Behind Blood Diamonds (Hollywood & Children)

1 day ago

The topic is extracting adrenochrome from children for Hollywood Elites perpetual youthful appearance. Is it truth? Is it hearsay? The more we learn about crazy corrupt Leftist Hollywood, the more credibility there with such disturbing conversations. Then about the 20-Minute mark is an Antisemitic rant implying Jews use kids as food. If it actually happened, it is evil to blame Covenant-Keeping Jews (who NEVER engage of cannibalism in any form) for the idiocy of Covenant-Breaking Jews.

I found this 26:02-Minute video at Telegram Hidden Truth (an ask-to-join Channel) posted on 9/22/24 (

Hidden Truth Description:

“The true story behind blood diamonds — Hollywood insider reveals the real horrifying truth behind all of those jewels and diamonds celebrities and elites love to flaunt and it takes evil to a new level!!! Viewer discretion advised! —

You don't want to miss his show”.

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