Ephesians Chapter 4 - Marianne Manley

4 months ago

How can we "walk [or live] worthy" of all that Paul has said in Ephesians?
What does "he led captivity captive" mean?
How do we forgive someone who has wounded us deeply?
Paradise, where is it?
The seven-fold unity of the Spirit.
God revealed the mystery to Paul who revealed it to us.
The body of Christ was a secret mystery "hid in God" (Eph. 3:9).
God is forming the Gentile body of Christ during the mystery dispensation of grace.
Measure = how much the Spirit helped us understand His word.
The head is the command center of the Body.
The BoC is joined to our Head (Christ).
The Church, the body of Christ is the a living organism.
The Church increases as the members edify each other in love.
The mature saints help the perfecting or maturing of the other saints.
Every person (joint & part) is important for we serve God as a team!
Satan empowers Bible teachers to NOT follow their apostle Paul.
Pau does not want us tossed to and fro by the prophetic program before or after the mystery, or deceived by human wisdom.
Satan's ministers are not only in the pulpits preaching false mixed up doctrine, but are also in the business of producing counterfeit Bibles.
We can trust the King James Bible.

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