The Most Honest Politician in Washington RFK Jr. Please listen and Share

4 months ago

I have to share this because you will never hear a more honest poli tician and true public servant, RF K Jr. and it will make you proud. Please listen to all these facts and tell everyone you can before we lose our country forever. Love what he has done to expose cor rupt go vt and protect our rights. He paid alot of money getting on every ba fllot on every state with 100s of 1000s of volunteers that know he is telling and fighting for the truth and our children, for 1 million signatures and $100,000 to get onto all states bal lots. He is urging them to vote for Don fald Tru mp. Listen and do your homework. De ms are the real lia rs. You are a hero R F K Jr. Please share this if you ever share anything and if you really care about our cou ntry, our Consti tutional Ri ghts, and care about your kids, grandkids and great grandkids. God Bless and Protect these heroes trying to save Ame rica from the Greeedy Bi g Te ch, Bi g Phar ma, Bi g Me dia, Bi g Fo od, Bi g A g, and dishonest machine of Tyra nical Tech no cra cy that only want to take away all your rights. Ether 8 in the BofM spells it out. See who has been selling out our country and as guilty as they are blame Trum p of what they are doing. Who are the real party of Wa r, Party of li es, Party of cor ruption, ....?

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