💪 @ The Gym Bench Pressing 🍁 Helps Increase Bone Density 🍎 Healthy4Life 💦

5 months ago

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look in the mirror
Bench press is a great way to work your upper body muscles and make them stronger1. The benefits of bench pressing include23145:
Increased upper-body strength
Improved muscular endurance
Preparing your upper body to do movements like pushups
Effective strengthening exercise for sports like sprinting, hockey, and football
Improved muscle mass and strength
Enhanced endurance for daily activities
Stronger bones
Improved functional strength
Muscle development
Increased bone density
A standard flat bench can be used in place of a bench press rack, and you can perform bench presses with dumbbells or a barbell. Be sure to select the appropriate weight for you.

Lie on the bench, under the rack that holds the bar. Your eyes should be roughly aligned with the front of the barbell rack uprights. Your glutes, shoulders, and head are flat on the bench with a neutral spine. Your feet are flat on the floor and relatively wide apart.

If your feet are not comfortably flat on the floor, use blocks or weight plates rather than placing your legs on the bench, which reduces stability.

Draw your shoulder blades down to avoid rounded shoulders.
Grasp the barbell using an overhand grip with your thumbs on the outside of your closed fist. Your arms are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and the angle of your upper arms is about 45 degrees to the body.
Remove the barbell from the rack, locking your elbows. (Don't move the bar in an arc from the rack directly to the chest position.)
Inhale while slowly lowering the bar just above your chest at the nipple line.
Exhale as you press the bar above your chest, extending your arms. Don't watch the bar; focus on the ceiling.
Lower the bar so it is just above your chest. This is the starting position for the next bench press.
Once you've finished your desired reps, place the bar on the rack. Move the bar backward gradually until you feel the rack uprights, then lower the bar to the barbell rest.

Don't try to hit the rack rests directly. If you miss, you can lose control, which can be dangerous.

Bench Press Benefits
The bench press is a compound exercise that involves the pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, and triceps brachii.1 It builds strength and encourages hypertrophy of these muscles.

Muscle growth is the target of bodybuilders, but everyone can benefit from muscle mass, which declines with age.2 The bench press is a functional exercise that helps you more easily perform daily activities that require pushing or carrying.

Bench presses help restore muscle balance for athletes who primarily use pulling muscles.3 This includes wrestlers, rock climbers, and swimmers. The barbell bench press, deadlift, and squat are competitive lifts in powerlifting.

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