That time a demonic jew sniper shot a child and his mother and anyone trying to save them..

5 months ago

That time a demonic jew sniper shot a child and his mother and anyone trying to save them.. They will eventually want the Useful Cucked Dumbed down Goyim to sacrifice themselves for the Talmudic Globalist quest for a 'Greater Israel' in the Middle East.. Captain Joe Cortina said he saw almost the exact same thing back in 1989.. only then the snipers set loose some dogs to tear up a child they'd just murdered and then shot the parents when they tried to retrieve what was left..
The evil of these anti-christian Satanic jews is literally out of this world.. This is why no one should feel sorry for anything that happens to them.. And it's coming.. They're going to get annihilated.. and the world cannot wait! They're already getting cut to pieces in Lebanon and if they dare strike Iran.. it's game over for these disgusting holohoax perpetrators..

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