What did we learn from Meta Connect 2024!

2 months ago

As part of this week's episode of "this week in social media" , we report from what I found out from meta connect in 2024!

In linked meta news 25th of September Meta hosted “meta connect 2024”, where Mark the CEO of meta shared an account of the meta quest 3, Meta AI announcements, along with showing a live demo for the new meta Glasses.

They started by showcasing and explaining the updates to the New Meta headset, some key takes away, are gaming and being able to work with any windows 11 PC, to creating a virtual screen to work from, just by wearing the quest 3 and looking down the keyboard! Along with some re-designed meta app ( Facebook, IG and WhatsApp. )

Leading into some updates for “Meta AI”, there AI can now understand images as well as text. The demo shows that you can edit and update an image that was uploaded to it, just from text inputs.

They also showed that you can now talk to meta AI, as mark things that is going to be one of the best way of how we use our “A.I bots” moving forward, likely going up against Google’s gemi and Apple’s

They did bring “Don Allen Stevenson” on to the stage to share about how he is using and how he has trained his “meta AI” to work as his own P.A. Some examples of his grave were sending DMs, and sharing links.

After this mark talked about a auto video dubbing, to other languages for reels

He then moves on to talking about the new “meta glasses” where he shows a live translation within a real time conversation.

Along with showcases and talking about their NEW VR glasses, that they are not ready to ship as they want to make them better.

With this set of updates from metas, do you think VR is a “gimmick” or are we all going to be wearing “A.I lens” or “A.I Glasses” in the same way we use smartphones today!

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