Star Trek Online: The Envoy Revealed

5 months ago

The second attempt at signing the Temporal Accords is to take place on New Romulus, we're invited to see the event. During the start of President Okeg's speech we witness the poisoning of the Klingon representative and then an attempt on the life of Okeg himself. We hunt down the would be assassin - a Nak'hul we've met previously. We head off to fix the issue in the future - we're going 'back to the future' again. We find Vosk, an old enemy, up to no good and stop him opening up a temporal gate - by killing him and blowing up the gate. No half measures here. Afterwards we head off with Daniels once more to New Khitomer to face down the Annorax and researcher Noye. Here we discover he's aligned with several factions including Mirror Universe Leeta. A massive ground and space battle ensues Leeta flees on Noye's order before we can destory her - their fleet is massive and is heading to Procyon V. The final confrontation looms.

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