Plants vs Zombies 2 - Plant Nursery - Repeater - October 2024

5 months ago

50 Repeater seeds are awarded for completing this event consisting of five (5) levels.

Plant of the Week - Repeater - was offered between October 2, 2024 through October 4, 2024.

Repeater is a member of the Appease-Mint family.
Repeater costs 200 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 3, 10, 16 and 20.)
Repeater fires two (2) peas.
Each pea does 20 damage. (+5 damage per level.)
When given plant food, Repeater fires “a lot of peas” for 2.5 seconds. (+0.25 seconds at levels 7, 13 and 18.)

Repeater is what you get when you combine two (2) Peashooters. The cost is the same but you save a precious tile.

Repeater combos well with Torchwood, Pea Vine and Appease-Mint.

Bottom line:
Repeater is simply one of the best plants in the game. Considering that one obtains this plant quite early in the process, after Ancient Egypt Day 19, one can utilize this plant as a first choice. Not just in Adventure mode but also Penny's Pursuit and even in some Arena rounds.

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