---[ #Love = #Gravity ]---> it's Stage ---> #соррхабиии

5 months ago

that's ~8% Closer Compared to the Previous One ! ---> #соррхабиии ☯☓🔥

https://www.facebook.com/share/p/k4HDtVWvhDyyEfMY/ --->

Question: What does "#Dorood" mean in #Persian?
Answered by : https://www.reddit.com/user/Zartoshti/ --->
---< It derives from the #Avestan word #dravat, which (in)itself means #tandorosti, or "#righteousBody." Which is now used as the greeting's equivalent of/for ---> Hello. Also notice how the word is linked to the #Russian "#Zdravstvuyte = #Здравствуйте" for #Hello. >--- ✅ Before I even Started to Correct Their Text Partially... I should have Thanked Them for just... #Existing ! Alright... About that Righteousness Thing... it's misunderstood both by Current Persians and Also by Others !!! pretty much Everyone ! Yeah! replace that term #Nik = #Righteous which to everyone means something like "GOOD" and "#Ahriman" would be "#EVIL" ---> to || with ---> this thing I just am gonna write so fast I am not even Thinking I don't know what this ability to think even means when humans keep talking about thinking or stopping to think! anyways... Here We Go Down 👇!
#Good =
Progressive Intelligent Evolution Towards Destructive Creation! ( Now Later On We Can Make a Human Word to Mean THAT or Add a Sixth or Seventh or 8th Element to That ! for Now it Will #just ---> #cutsIT and is a billion times better than the word and the concept of #Good vs #Evil ! Alright... to Define Evil Just Reversing that Won't Help or Maybe Will Let me Try Something:
Evil = Any Form of Evolutionary Degeneration Stuff Leading to Creative Destruction ---> Gone Exponentially Out of Control turns #Evil into Super Super Super Evil or Something! Of course it Has Levels to it! Alright now We Know What Good Means and What Evil Means. Right !??? I can Modify it Later.
Alright... Now I can Safely Use that #Dorood Thing! Remove the #blankSpaces and the #plusSigns --->
Here's How You Can Test Someone's Intelligence & Avoid Getting Kicked off of Platforms by using Spaces and + Signs when sending them Links ! and it's very good Practice to have the ability to Type URLs Down and also to be able to just look at them and Tell What Type/Kind of a Link They Are ! and Stop cussing Others and Attacking the REAL ones for someone else's #right/#wrong +++ 😊-(---> to tell you the truth ---> there's no such thing as right vs. wrong! but you still need human languages!) +++ ---> #doings ! I personally only get enraged by mankind or suffer physically because I do give a ---> #give_a_fuck = #care !!! and fuck your needs for #RESPECT for all forms of #Respect are born out of #FEAR not #LOVE and ---> Where there exists #RESPECT there cannot Exist #Honesty ! Yeah... Truth itself follow(s) me as soon as I start to #move! be it #typing, #speaking, or #just ---> any form of movement !
Alright! Here's the Result of That --->
rumble +.+ com +/+ v5h7ryl-imagine-this-to-be-all-written-about-me-x-reza-g.-part-1infinity-i-guess- +.+ html
---> &... Here Comes/Goes #Another One ---> Which is something I wrote Before All You See #Above !!! --->

"to tell the #truth and to #aimStraight defines me! but don't think it's the highest layer of My ---> Truth.onion ! it's neither the #highest nor the #lowest ---> #PersianVirtue for there exists a mere duality between these states : the #HIGH ☓ the #LOW states of ASHA ! These are just human concepts and they won't ever apply to a All Layers of #My_Reality.Don't you dare try to understand me ! It's a waste of energy. Try to be my friends instead and Listen to Me.",

~ #theindigoflame ! aka. Reza G. ⚡

Full Title =
---> Wow! That's Perfect ---> #соррхабиии !!! "imagine this to be All Written #About_ME ☯☓🔥x🕉" ~Reza G. ---> Part 2/#infinity I Guess ✅

The Previous Part to This Video Would Be = https://rumble.com/v5h7ryl-imagine-this-to-be-all-written-about-me-x-reza-g.-part-1infinity-i-guess-.html ---[ #Love = #Gravity ]---> it's Stage Purple or ---> #соррхабиии !!!

#aboutreza #uploadedhereforaspecialWoman #theindigoflame #skyfiredll #omazeraxsh #rza #TruthKast #newEra #TNWO #thosewholive #aMORTAT #immortality #unitywins #gravityislove #theindigoflame #skyfiredll #omazeraxsh #rza #TruthKast #flawlessVictory #theASHAVAN #java #appDevelpment #theindigoflame #buckyRoberts #EminemSongs #listeningToMusicUsingYourOwnApps #forTheExperts #buildingAResume #myJavaCertificate #POW #Proof_of_RealNess #iNeverTalkHighlyOfMe #iHateMyself #youDontKnowMeAtAll #LoveYouRumbleGuys #treatMeWell #somePersianJavaWorldClassCoderNobodyKnowsToEvenExist #iAMGod #DOTFLMAOTD

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