Sam Harris & the War on Burqas

4 months ago

This reposts a video from Sept 2021 because feminism and moral superiority is being used to justify 'intervention' in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran today.
In a 2018 interview, Russell Brand asked Sam, "What's the biggest threat to freedom, Islam or consumerism?" I rephrase consumerism as capitalism and deconstruct examples of burkas and suicide bombers to show religious ideology, particularly of Islam, was the source of all evil. I look at how this reasoning gave a faux-moral rationale for the occupation of Afghanistan and the killing of 1M people since 9-11, letting motivators like paychecks and profits off the hook. Rephrasing Russell's 2021 video, I ask "Did Sam Harris Use Feminism to Justify the Afghan Clusterf*ck?" and I urge Sam to question his dogma of moral superiority and its cover of "humanitarian intervention."

Third Paradigm on Substack:
How to Dismantle an Empire:

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